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Strider bikes are an out-of-the-box product designed specifically for toddlers. The company's founder, Ryan McFarland, wanted to encourage his son's passion for bikes and motorcycles. Unfortunately, then two-year-old Bode, despite his desire, had trouble balancing on standard toys. The devices were usually too heavy and too complicated for such a still young child. After buying and testing many children's bicycles that still didn't meet Bode's requirements, Ryan still refused to give up. The creative dad took it upon himself to create the perfect device for his son from scratch, and that's how the first bike, and later the entire Strider company, was created.

McFarland spent a long time comparing different toys to create the most comfortable machine for Bode. The first Strider bike - super light and tiny - only-12 inches long, was immediately liked by Ryan's son.Thanks to its small size and light weight, the toddler was able to balance more easily while riding. This allowed him to gain more confidence during his first attempts and develop his skills much faster. Dad noticed that his son wasn't the only one who could enjoy and benefit from toys tailored to smaller children. McFarland wanted to make it possible for children around the world to learn to ride a bicycle and the joy that comes from it.

The Strider company was founded in 2007 in Rapid City, South Dakota. That's when Ryan McFarland assembled the first bike in his garage. Since then, the business has grown rapidly and Strider products are now available in more than 75 countries, with sales exceeding 2 million units.The company's offer is no longer limited to cross-country or pedal bikes - in 2012 the Strider Snow Ski, a bike adapted for snow, was released, while in 2016 the Strider 2-in-1 Rocking Bike, a rocking toy, was launched. The range is constantly tested and developed to best suit the needs of toddlers. The Kidealo store offers both the company's flagship machine - the classic 12-inch bicycle, as well as products tailored for special conditions or play at home.

Cross-country bikes are ideal for toddlers - the simple and lightweight design does not burden the child and makes it easy to maintain balance. The first steps with such a toy teach the little rider motor coordination and develops physically. Products are available in different colors and matching sizes. Thanks to Strider machines, learning to ride a real bike is no longer such a challenge later on. For very young children, the company has prepared a special solution - a 2-in-1 bicycle. At the beginning, the toy is a rocker, and when the right moment comes, the base of the device can be detached and the top part can be turned into a cross-country bicycle. For the safety of younger cycling enthusiasts, the company offers many bicycle accessories. Toddlers can choose from a variety of helmets, jerseys, knee pads, lights or colorful saddles.