What is the best way to choose a Christmas gift for a child? - Kidealo

What is the best way to choose a Christmas gift for a child?

Want to find something special for your child that will evoke positive and unforgettable emotions? Let us help you search for the most wonderful gifts. After all, Santa Claus is also stocked in the Noski Noski store ;)


How to start your search for a gift for kids?

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Gift for toddler? To begin with, it's a good idea to determine the occasion, i.e. whether it's for Santa Claus or under the Christmas tree, or maybe for after Christmas for friends' children. This will help us determine the budget. Sometimes it's also a good idea to have a few smaller and wrapped gifts at home during Advent, because we never know who will visit us, or if they'll have a Santa party at school. As you know, on the sixth of December children get smaller gifts, while on Christmas Day parents, Santa Claus, Star, Angel or Baby go wild all over the place. You also need to choose something appropriate to the child's age, so choose the right age category. Our filter in the section on the left of the home page will help with this.

Additionally, it's a good idea to start your search early so that you have enough time to enjoy shopping without stressing that something won't arrive or has sold out. Let's also give ourselves some time to plan, so that looking for gifts for children is pure pleasure.

How to select Christmas tree gifts by age?

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The easiest way is to use our search engine for products by child age. It will come to the aid of anyone with little time who wants to rely on professionals. Besides, also be guided by your child's interests. The most important thing is to hit his taste and the subject he happens to be fond of. However, if you know that the phase of fascination with dinosaurs has been going on for a very long time, and he already has a whole lot of books and puzzles about dinosaurs, it is worth betting on another related field. You can try suggesting a book or a toy that will also provide knowledge, but about slightly different animals, such as Little atlas of cats (and kittens) by Ewa and Pawel Pawlak. There are also a lot of other items saturated with knowledge and beautiful illustrations that develop the imagination and aesthetic sense. Thus, we expand the field of interests, taking advantage of the fact that the child continues to be an avid reader, or a lover of fauna.

Another important tip is to be guided by the child's stage of development, not by rigid frameworks set by stores or textbooks. If we know our child, it will be easier. Let's observe it while it plays. Both when he plays alone and with us or peers. What is particularly close to the child's heart? We can also consider in what area we need to support his development to keep up with his peers?


How to wrap a gift for a toddler?


Don't forget about beautiful packaging. After all, it is the first thing that catches the eye and is supposed to evoke beautiful emotions. We create unforgettable memories with images and an atmosphere of anticipation. Let these memories stay in our minds for a long time. The sight of pretty presents, packages and a mountain of gifts under the Christmas tree will make the magic of Christmas materialize.

Second.... with this mountain, let's not exaggerate... just one or two large fancy and original wrapped packages are enough and everything will bring great joy to the child. If the toddler will have to unwrap, or even tear the conspicuous paper, it will be an additional attraction for him. Add a colorful tag, a graphically or color-matching card with a hand-written kid's name and short Christmas wishes. You can also attach a pinecone, a small sprig of spruce or fir (or even the popular tui ;)) and already the package will be really sensory and stimulate the imagination - it will smell of forest, will be rough and sharp to the touch, and will be different from all. Besides, even Marcel Proust already wrote that smells create memories. Let's create unforgettable scented gift magdalenes for our little ones.


It's a good idea to add a small wrapping to a large gift, so that the joy of unwrapping doesn't end too quickly. After all, Christmas Eve evening is long, it is worth filling it with joyful anticipation. Such emotions do not happen often.


New trend - feature of tiny baby gifts - gift box.

Recently, it has been heard more and more that it is worth buying and preparing a box filled with a few or a dozen smaller items for the child. Such a box can be completed thematically, for example, in the spirit of glamour, and add pretty pins - Meri Meri pumps, Ooly sweet-scented gummiesand for examplepencils-with-diamondOoly (wow!) cupcake molds, or other fancy little accessories.

Some other suggestions for what to put in a gift box:

  • fondant ink pens
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  • rubber erasers
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  • bold stickers
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  • removable tattoos
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  • removable hair chalk
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  • wooden yoyo
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  • colored balls or bath salts
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  • cupcake molds
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  • cake popsicles
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  • beads for making jewelry
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Our suggestion is creative gifts for the sixth of December. Buy cookie cutters for Santa, for example, and you'll enjoy baking and decorating gingerbread cookies with the little ones in the second half of Advent. These will be moments you are sure to return to with your thoughts.


Slightly larger gifts to complete or make a set


Another popular idea is gifting additional accessories. Adding accessories to a toy that is already in the house is a sure card. Think, for example, of accessories for a beloved doll, or furniture for a house that already stands in a child's room. Let's arrange this box in an imaginative way, fill it with paper hay, or real hay, to give even more atmosphere and unique fragrance, and at the same time stimulate many senses. Joy guaranteed.

Doll houses


Inviting to play and complete are also dollhouses, such as Djeco of remarkable design, to which you can buy compatible furniture, or other toys that are already at home. The child will practice manual and artistic skills.

Little pixels


Pixio: Abstract Series 60 el.is, in turn, a cool gift for builders and elders who continue to enjoy creating new forms. Plus, it's easy to find more sets to repurchase. The ease of creation and demolition gives you fun for many times. Adults will like it too!


Maileg mice and accessories


Mice and teddy bears from Danish brand Maileg are the perfect cuddly toys and accessories for building cozy arrangements. Choose from a gingerbread house or a paper house for mice and bunnies. Children's imagination will suggest what else to add there. We suggest an atmospheric Maileg floor lampor a small lanternjust in time for a mouse or doll.

ask your child to... write a letter to Santa


An idea that is old, but old-fashioned. First of all, it has a lot of educational value, because you can also write the message together with your child, teaching them to write carefully and to formulate their thoughts. Not to mention that you can choose a nice stationery, such as a stationery box from Djeco or a suitcase with accessories to make your own fun paper and decorate the envelope. You can also stamp the letter with colorful stamps to make sure it reaches the North Pole. You can find a DIY kit for making your own stationery here. This way you will spend maybe not even one, but several December or November evenings together with your toddler.


The bonus is that you will get a list of what the kid wishes for on a tray :) And the hassle is over! Now all that's left to do is to enjoy the shopping and the smile on your child's face.

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