How often to replace the pacifier and how to keep it clean on a daily basis? - Kidealo

How often to replace the pacifier and how to keep it clean on a daily basis?

What to replace the pacifier and how to keep it clean on a daily basis?


The pacifier is one of the basic things a newborn baby may need. Mom and Dad introduce the pacifier so that the baby can self-soothe or fall asleep. There are many different types of pacifiers that infants can use. It is important to know how often they should be replaced and how to keep them clean.

How often should a baby's pacifier be replaced?


How often to replace a pacifier in a baby? The pacifier for a newborn baby should be replaced on average every month and should be watched carefully every day. Used for up to six hours a day, an infant's pacifier can become worn or damaged. Such a broken pacifier is dangerous for the baby, and can cause pain or discomfort when the toddler uses it. Moreover, germs can accumulate on the plastic pacifier if it is not properly cleaned after each use. Parents of a toddler must therefore remain vigilant.

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How can I clean my baby's pacifier?


Make sure you clean your baby's pacifier after each use by rinsing it with warm water or boiling it in hot water (check first if the manufacturer allows scalding - plastic reacts differently to boiling water, and silicone reacts differently). If you boil your baby's pacifier, make sure to remove it from the boiling water in time, so it doesn't get overheated and start melting! Then let the pacifier cool for a few minutes before giving it back to your child, so that he doesn't burn his mouth with the residual heat left over from scalding. The parent should not put the pacifier in his own mouth (tooth decay is contagious!).


Why proper care of an infant pacifier is so important?


Most parents are aware that using a pacifier can cause dental problems, but many are unaware of other possible health risks associated with its improper use (bacteria). It is important to understand how often to replace pacifiers, but also how to properly clean a pacifier before giving it to a toddler's mouth.

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Badly cleaned or unclean baby pacifiers can lead to:

  • Ear infections
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  • Sore throat and cold
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  • tooth decay and gingivitis (gum disease)
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The most common way for parents to clean a baby's pacifier is with soapy water or a bottle brush. This method is not suitable because it does not remove all the germs and bacteria from the surface of the pacifier. The best way to clean an infant pacifier is to place it in boiling water and then let it dry completely before giving it to the baby. A bottle can be similarly scalded. How often should a pacifier be scalded? As often as necessary. When it falls to the ground, it gets dirty.

Pacifiers are a great way to comfort a baby and help him calm down. They also make it easier for parents to get things done at home. However, if you're not careful, pacifiers can pose some risks.

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Here are some tips for proper baby pacifier care:

  • Wash your hands before contact with your baby's pacifier.
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  • Wet the pacifier and clean with soap and warm water after each use.
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  • Do not put the pacifier in your mouth when cleaning it.
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  • Use only warm water to clean the pacifier; do not use soap, bleach or alcohol, as they may cause irritation.
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What to replace the pacifier in the bottle - basic rules


Since we have already answered the question of how often to replace a pacifier for sucking, let's consider how long you can use a pacifier in a bottle. And how to recognize that it's time to replace it? Bottle pacifiers are made of silicone. This material poses no danger to the baby and can be used for several months (drinking does not exploit the plastic as sucking does). Frequently used bottle pacifiers can erode and change their shape, making them unhealthy or uncomfortable for the baby. To avoid this, change the pacifier in the bottle every 2-3 months on average.

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How long should you use a bottle pacifier? When to change a bottle pacifier to a larger one?


The basic rule is that you should wash the pacifier and bottle after each feeding session. Regardless of whether you use KP or replacement milk. If you leave it on overnight or all day, you risk the little one catching an infection. So this is important not only for hygiene reasons, but also for health reasons.


When to replace the pacifier in the bottle with a larger one? The usual slow-flow pacifier is suitable for babies from 1 to 3 months of age. A medium-flow pacifier for babies from 3 to 6 months. Fast flow pacifier for babies from 6 months upwards.

Replace only after damage or more often? How often to change the pacifier?


How often to replace pacifiers? If you are sure that the pacifier is in impeccable working condition, you can use the same pacifier for your baby for longer than recommended. You may decide to replace it if it breaks down or becomes too dirty, but this is not a necessity.


What are the benefits of changing an undamaged pacifier? Changing pacifiers frequently will ensure that your baby does not get used to one particular shape and size of pacifier. If your baby has a favorite type of pacifier, but you want him to try a different one, frequent changing will help him get used to having something new in his mouth.

Why replace a pacifier with a bigger one?


There are many different brands of pacifiers and sizes within each brand. The name of the pacifier also usually specifies how long your baby can use it. Some babies prefer certain types of pacifiers to others, and some don't like pacifiers at all. That's why it's important to try several different brands and sizes to find the one that works best for your baby.

When is the best time to change to a larger pacifier? Many parents choose a larger pacifier because they think it will make it easier for their baby to hold the pacifier - but this is not always true! The best thing for your baby is to observe and determine what size pacifier is best for him/her.


Your baby is ready for a larger pacifier when he independently holds the pacifier in place without using his fingers, thumb or hand to support it.

Changing specialty pacifiers - how often should it be done?


The answer depends on the type of specialty pacifier you have. Check the instructions on the package to see if it needs to be sterilized or replaced after use.

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How many pacifiers does an infant need


There are toddlers who tolerate only the breast (they regulate themselves through breastfeeding/breastfeeding), and there are those who like pacifiers. Your baby may be upset if he can't find his favorite pacifier when he needs it most. Stressed or upset about something going on in his life right now, he may start crying. At such times, and when he starts teething, it can be useful to have a spare pacifier in case one falls on the floor or gets lost.

For beautiful and quality pacifiers, bottles, pacifier cleaning and storage accessories head to the newborn pacifierin the Noski Noski store. You will also find plenty of beautiful toys to gift to your baby.


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