21 practical and quick tips on how to ensure a sense of security - for yourself and your child - Kidealo

21 practical and quick tips on how to ensure a sense of security - for yourself and your child

Remember that taking care of your own well-being is a very important matter. Only by being in good shape will you provide care and assistance to others, especially children. In stressful situations, the little ones may need even more attention and warmth. Arm yourself with patience, well-being and plenty of energy. Draw energy from good fun and food :)

So how to become an oasis of calm from which you can safely wait for the sun to come out from behind the clouds?


How to provide a sense of security for newborns and babies?

  1. Wear your baby close to you. Carrying in a sling, if you have already mastered that, and carrying in your arms will be good. It is important to carry the baby at least two hours a day, if you work and the baby does not stay with the parents during the day.
  2. .
  3. Feed your baby often, especially newborns on demand. Tiny babies eat eight to twelve times a day.
  4. .
  5. Silence other stimuli. Away from screens, in silence or to the accompaniment of calm relaxing music.
  6. .
  7. Shade the windows or put a canopy over the crib
  8. .
  9. As soon as your baby cries, take him or her in your arms. According to the principles of proximity parenting, if you approach your baby before his crying turns into anger, you will reduce the likelihood of further crying.
  10. Satisfied children spend more time in a state of calm wakefulness. They then learn more and are ready to interact with the environment
  11. .
  12. Spend more time together, let your baby hear your heartbeat and your voice.
  13. Grease your back, massage :)
  14. .

How to reduce stress levels in young children?


Ask difficult questions, explain. Don't sweep problems under the rug, but don't anticipate your child's questions. Answer truthfully, but only to what the child asks.

  1. Im also dose any stimuli. An overstimulated child is a nervous child.
  2. It's not a good thing to do.
  3. Hug, play and give more attention than usual.
  4. .
  5. Offer engaging play. Emotional little first board games, cooking together and going out for little races or looking for the first signs of spring. Anyone already see signs that spring is near?
  6. .
  7. Dancing, motor play, singing and drawing are all therapeutic games. Get your child involved.
  8. Never too much hugging. Hugging also supports child safety.
  9. Read books under a blanket and tea, not just at bedtime. Time spent together is priceless, and cuddling increases feelings of oxytocin, a hormone that boosts levels of well-being.
  10. If you don't have the strength anymore, don't worry - you can turn on your child's favorite cartoon for an hour. But try not to make it last longer.
  11. .
  12. Try to quiet the room and the house, turn on an audiobook and get your child to lie on the ground, on the mattress or couch and listen in concentration. A little mindfulness exercise certainly won't hurt.
  13. On a sketch map of the world, show where what is happening. Be sure to also mark the places you would like to go in the future.
  14. Before bedtime, tell your child about the good moments of the past day.
  15. .
  16. Whisper "I love you"! Maybe even a few times.
  17. . Tell a quiet bedtime story.

Tips for you on how to more easily maintain inner peace:

  1. Ears up! And the legs? Legs too. Did you know that the yin-yoga position with legs up greatly promotes recovery and helps you relax? Lying on the ground, raise your straight legs and hold this position for up to 5 minutes. If that's too strenuous, just lean your legs against the wall, put your arms along your body or stretch behind you. After a while you will feel and see the difference.
  2. Try to limit access to bad news and use phones and laptops less.
  3. Eat well and often. Eat nutritiously, this is very important in stressful situations.
  4. Get enough sleep, or at least try to get enough sleep. A sleepy brain works better, and we all need sleep and recovery.
  5. Don't forget about physical activity. Make your daily walk a new ritual.
  1. Don't isolate yourself, get together with family and friends. Being together helps and relieves stress.
  2. Try to organize joint family activities, e.g. playing board games together, cooking food you like together. You can read more about cooking with children here..
  3. Help, get involved as much as you can. Helping helps! You too :)
  4. .
  1. Go out for long walks. Walking lowers your blood pressure and relaxes you. It also rests your eyes. As little as twenty minutes in a forest or park significantly reduces stress levels and blood pressure.

10. Don't drink too much coffee. Rather, opt for herbs in the evenings, especially chamomile, mint, lemon balm. Good blends we have here, e.g. Tastea Heaven - it's Greek organic herbal teas:

Read also


Board games for kids - what to choose?



The Book of Attachment Parenting, William Sears, Martha Sears, Mamania 2013


The Journal of Proximity, Kinga Barlik, Mira Jurecka


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