Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry

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Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry: Ladybug Pi
Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry: Ladybug Pi

Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry: Ladybug Pi


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Our most favorite Polish publishing house. It is thanks to him that titles acclaimed around the world and outstanding works by Polish authors that have been unreleased for years have appeared on the shelves of Polish bookstores.

The publishing house was founded by three friends - translator Jadwiga Jędryas, philologist Joanna Rzyska and graphic designer Ewa Stiasny. At the time, they were young mothers who, on the one hand, were looking for books for their own children, and, on the other hand, saw shortages in the domestic publishing market. Their education and awareness of what kind of books are published abroad led them to want a change, to introduce into Polish bookstores distinctive titles that look good and carry an important message. The idea was a hit - the publishing house was appreciated by children and parents, and in time by the prestigious Children's Book Fair in Bologna.

At the very beginning there was Jadwiga Jędryas' idea to publish Dutchman Toon Telegen's book in Polish. She told a friend about it, and the friend (Joanna Rzyska) associated that the mother of one of her charges at her kindergarten was a graphic designer. Thus began a friendship, the fruit of which was not only the collection of short stories "Not everyone knew how to roll over", but also the Two Sisters Publishing House. The friends borrowed the name from the guesthouse where the three of them first met.

As the founders emphasize, the publishing house was not created as an idea for bored young moms, but was born out of idealism and the belief that something could be changed. They raised funds, began to travel and from successive fairs brought back contacts, acquaintances with foreign publishers and energy for action. They reached for titles triumphing abroad, but also for cult books they remembered from their own childhood. They gave forgotten books new life by creating the "Masters of Illustration" series, which featured works by the best Polish graphic artists and illustrators of the 20th century, including Jan Marcin Szancer or Jerzy Flisak or Bohdan Butenko.

The Two Sisters reached and still reach for tradition, but not only. They have a nose for great books. The publishing house published the already iconic "Maps" by Aleksandra and Daniel Mizielinski, which sold several million copies worldwide.

As the founders of the publishing house declare - with their books they manage to educate the young generation in passing, so to speak. Two Sisters' books about architecture, mathematics, botany or design speak in such a way that young readers do not feel they are learning.

From the very beginning, Two Sisters has focused on quality. They have published and are publishing ambitious books, and place importance on valuable content and expressive illustrations. Consistency and persistence in introducing quality titles to the children's publishing market was appreciated. Quickly the books were loved by parents, delighted that it was possible to do things differently, better, more beautifully. After a while, international successes followed. In 2018 in Bologna, during the largest children's book fair in the world, the Bologna Children's Book Fair, Two Sisters Publishing House was announced Best European Children's Publisher of the Year!

We love this publisher's books and trust their choices unconditionally. Two sisters - good to have you!