The best bottle for a breastfed baby - Kidealo

We breastfeeding moms sometimes need a bottle. It's not about keeping the right intervals, we can drink red wine at KP, although actually these can be connected topics :D Going to the doctor, meeting with friends, an extended business trip - sometimes it happens, sometimes we need it. However, when mom is away, there is no breastfeeding. And during this time a bottle of milk - pumped or replacement - saves the situation. Here are the best bottles for breastfed babies.


Natuli: Breastfeeding


Bottle for infant feeding - advantages of feeding


Do you believe in life "after baby"? We do, and we want to support you in your postpartum return to activity, social and professional life. We greatly admire the effort you've put into your breastfeeding adventure, and we understand the concerns you may have about introducing a bottle for a breastfed infant. Whatbottle should you buy for a breastfed infant? What will work best? A slow-flow bottle, a bottle that imitates the breast? What should be the capacity of bottle for a newborn, and what for a six-month-old infant? A lot of questions arise, but we have some of the answers. Don't feel convinced yet to start the bottle adventure for breastfed babies? Learn about the advantages of supplemental feeding:

  • As a mom, you gain more freedom and independence
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  • You have a backup in emergency situations such as when you need to take a drug advised against with KP, or go away for an extended period of time.
  • For a while you don't have to watch your diet - you can indulge in a glass of wine or a product you know doesn't serve your baby.
  • The toddler can be fed by dad, grandma, aunt - for them it's a super opportunity to build a bond and get to know each other
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  • You know exactly how much food the baby has consumed. In the case of replacement milk, you are able to estimate how long the amount of milk given will satisfy the baby's hunger.

Mimijumi: baby bottle 240 ml pacifier level 2

When is it worth introducing a bottle as an alternative to breastfeeding?


As experts point out, a bottle is worth introducing if, for various reasons, you are unable to breastfeed your baby, spoon-feed or use a special probe (such a syringe and cable that is placed on the nipple so that the baby works on sucking at the breast during feeding). Remember that psychological reasons are as important as physical obstacles. It takes two to tango, which is KP, and feeding with modified milk does not make anyone a worse mother!

What should be the best bottle for a breastfed baby - pacifiers that imitate the breast


There are bottles that imitate the breast. In imitating a woman's body, some designers have focused on the most natural possible shape and positioning of the pacifier. Others have gone a step further, such as the makers of the iconic Mimijumi bottle, who made sure that the texture and color of the pacifier referenced a woman's skin. This is probably the bottle that most closely resembles a mother's breast. The name means "Mother's Love" in Polynesian. It is said to be the "bottle of last resort" or "second to mom" (first bottle after breastfeeding). Designers of bottles that imitate the breast try to base feeding dynamics on the physiological.

Élhée: silicone anti-colic bottle BibRond 150 ml 0-3 M

Free flow bottles - what are they and will they work well for feeding?


It is said that a baby who has tried drinking from a bottle may no longer want to breastfeed. This opinion is based on the following logic: sucking at the breast is actually quite an effort for the baby. If the food from the bottle flows faster and sooner, it will satisfy the child's hunger. Once the child discovers that it can be easier, he will not want to return to the old methods. Is this true? Yes and no. Nowadays there are bottles with slow flow - ideal for newborns, and even, according to specialists, the only ones suitable for this age group. Why is flow speed so important?

  • Flow that is too fast can discourage a baby from returning to KP
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  • More flow increases the risk of the baby choking
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  • Larger flow may contribute to colic and choking
  • . baby feeding bottle with pacifier 180 ml

Anticolic bottles - is it a good choice for a breastfed infant?


A bottle is unequal to a bottle. The best anti-colic bottle is the one with slow flow. Among anti-colic bottles, a sizable group are those imitating the breast. Does the first bottle have to imitate the breast to be successful? Not necessarily. Bottles are matched individually to mother and child. In all likelihood, several bottles will pass through your hands before you hit upon the perfect one. What is worth watching to see if a particular bottle is for you?

  • whether the transition between the base of the bottle's teat and the rest of the bottle isn't too drastic for your baby and doesn't buoy the correct, wide grip used when sucking on the breast.
  • whether the baby is able to drink comfortably from the bottle when it is verticalized, (the bottle in this position should be positioned horizontally and the teat fully filled with milk).
  • Does the milk flow slowly.
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  • Whether the baby prematurely signals the end of feeding due to quenching of hunger/desire or due to irritation with the bottle.

Beaba: 2-in-1 Bib'Expresso milk warmer


  1. Remember to take a break every two to three sips from the bottle to let your baby catch his breath.
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  3. What bottle capacity for a newborn? It is assumed that for a newborn baby, a small feeding bottle (110 ml) with an infant-appropriate teat is sufficient. For children between the ages of two and four months, a bottle capacity of 150 ml, and for six-month-old babies a bottle capacity of 180 ml.
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  5. What is the best bottle after breastfeeding? It all depends on what stage you are at when you end your KP adventure. Focus on slow-flow bottles.

That's it. We're keeping our fingers crossed for you! Feed in your own style. Whether you chose exclusive breastfeeding, bottle feeding or a mix of both techniques.

All of our recommended best baby bottles, pacifier cleaners and bottle replacement parts can be found in the Nose Nose store at newborn baby supplies.

Boon: Starter Bundle


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