Practical accessories for bathing a small child - what to choose to make bathing safe? - Kidealo

Practical accessories for bathing a small child - what to choose to make bathing safe?

Bathing a newborn is an extremely exciting ritual for both parents and babies. You may feel a little insecure at first, but this is completely normal. It will get better each time. We suggest what to do to make these moments unforgettable and to make bathing a toddler and an older child a pleasure too.

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Baby care? Baby care? Intuition suggests a lot, at the same time it is worth familiarizing yourself with some of the most important rules to ensure the safety of the toddler and your comfort.

Bathe your baby several times a week, basically every day. On days you don't bathe him, be sure to wash his bottom, skin folds and neck. Regardless of whether you will be bathing the baby in a tub or bucket, it is important to have two adults present. Especially in the beginning, this can be quite a support. One person can support the shoulders, neck and head of the newborn while the other gently washes him. Bathing a toddler is also an important moment for building closeness.

Make sure the water is warm enough, that is, 37 degrees Celsius. A bath thermometer will help you with this. It should be made of safe materials, without mercury or glass. If you don't have one, you can easily measure the temperature with an electronic thermometer. All you need to do is bring it close to the surface of the water. You can find a special bath thermometer, for example, here: bebe-jou baby care gift set Fabulous. You can also possibly use your elbow to check if the water is at body temperature.

The ambient temperature should be between 25 and 27 degrees. Then the toddler will be very pleasant. Talk to your baby when you are going to bathe him. Do it also while placing it in the water so it feels safe. The toddler then knows that something pleasant is about to happen and is in safe hands. To ensure the baby's sense of security, you can also hum something, sing and make calm movements. A relaxed atmosphere promotes a sense of security. You should also try to have a bathing ritual at a fixed time of day.

Bathing accessories that take care of baby's safety

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To take even better care of the safety and comfort of the toddler, a special silicone bath mat, e.g. gray or blue whale-shaped mat by Skip Hop,and place a special bath cushion under the head. Consult with your midwife when a cushion is appropriate. You can also use the mat later in a large bathtub, bathing a baby sitting up on its own. Take care of your body, too, because your safety translates into the safety of the kid. For caregivers, soft protectors for the edge of the bathtub and kneeler may come in handy. They are not needed if you have a bathtub stand. K definitely pay attention to this product if you want to take care of your spine and have comfortable access to a stable bathtub at waist height.

However, if you are putting a small tub or bucket into a large bathtub, something else will come in handy. Then it's worth getting a rubber protector for the bathroom faucet and a silicone protector for the plug and drain, which will also come in handy when the little ones get bigger.

Add a gentle washing liquid to the water, or use a washing bar designed for newborns and babies. In the first few weeks of life, however, washing with warm clean water is often all that is needed. Once you're a little skilled and the baby needs lubrication (for example, the doctor or doctor has diagnosed atopic dermatitis), you can add a drop at a time of emollient cosmetic. The skin then becomes very slippery, so we recommend caution.

You can wash the baby with your hand or use a soft soap made of natural material. It may come in handy So Cute Baby Bath Setwhich includes a natural brush, soap and towel.

What comes in handy after bathing a toddler?


After gently splashing for a few minutes, gently place your baby on a soft warm towel, or preferably onPoofi: Teddy cotton hooded towelwhich you gently dry your baby with. Do not rub the skin, just keep it warm and let the towel absorb the water. A handy hood will take care of keeping the little one warm after the bath. It's a good idea to have some cotton or tetra diapers on hand to gently cover the baby, but still let the skin air out. You can have an airy light blanket on hand.

What blanket to choose?

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For winter and for babies born in autumn and winter, it's worth getting a woolen but soft one like this one from merino wool from Lullalove. For summer and spring, just bambooorcotton brand Bim.blawill do. Vibrant and cheerful colors will improve anyone's mood. If you want more subdued colors then you will also find something for you. Now blankets are plentiful, and you can match the color and form to other utensils, and the yarn to the season and weather conditions. We recommend only natural, and therefore breathable and airy blankets.

Whatever blanket you choose, a baby swaddlewill come in handy after bathing. Immediately after bathing, the baby can easily get chilled, so have it nearby. Also, a whole supply of diapers that you can keep in the bathroom and wherever you have a changing table. The best are reusable diapers made of soft airy material. A cloth diaper is a multi-tasking accessory with which you cover your baby giving him warmth and something to touch and play with, and wipe or change him when needed. Diapers won't go to waste! Leave the disposable ones for going out of the house. In the first months of a baby's life, you will change your behemoth an average of eight times a day. However, it may be necessary to do it a dozen times, but then less and less often. However, the baby must be dry and airy, so diapers can never be too much.


List of useful newborn and baby bathing utensils


Bath accessories for three- and four-year-old children

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Remember, too, such ingredients for safe bathing as calmness and good humor, because they also ensure safety. And bathing is fun.

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