How to take care of a child's teeth? - Kidealo

You want your little one to have teeth like pearls. Precious ones, because the Tooth Fairies fly in to pick them up. So that the scary tooth trolls don't stand a chance, and the child is visited only by good fairies, it's worth taking care of the little one's face from the very beginning. It should be cleaned even before the first teeth appear! Here are practical tips on how to make your child's teeth healthy and beautiful.


Hygiene from the first days of life


Teeth form in fetal life and their proper mineralization is influenced by mom's diet during pregnancy. As early as the fourth week of pregnancy, the formation of the primary tooth cotyledon begins, and by the 20th week of fetal life, the tooth buds are formed. After the baby is born, from the first days, in the evening, wash the baby's gums and tongue with a gauze pad soaked in warm boiled water. You can add this element to your daily bathing ritual. Gently massage the gums and remove the milk plaque. Special cotton Jack N'Jill wipessoaked in xylitol and water to make hygiene easier. If you perform daily cleaning of the baby's mouth, you will take exemplary care of his hygiene. The baby will begin to get used to cleaning his mouth from the beginning. Chances are that healthy and good habits will stay with him for years and pay off in older age.

From the first days of life, you can also use special toothbrushes for young children like the sonic toothbrush for children Sönik brand Bblüv. The gently vibrating brush massages the gums, promoting blood circulation and cleansing the mouth.

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Interchangeable baby tips can be purchased for the toothbrush - interchangeable tips for Sönik sonic toothbrush 0-18 months and replacement-tips-for-sonic-toothbrush-18-36-months, so one toothbrush will last about two and a half years.

There are also teethers and toothbrushes in one, which can be used from the age of three months. Baby Banana: Baby Shark Brushwill tame your toddler to brush his teeth, and you can clean it easily. The silicone material massages the gums well and is not difficult to keep clean.


How to take care of your first teeth when expanding your diet?


When a toddler turns six months old, it's time for the first solid foods and gradual expansion of the diet. For babies six months and older, we recommend special silicone brushesJack N' Jill for the caregiver's index finger. Later as the child grows swap, them for slightly larger toothbrushes. The brand has divided the toothbrushes into stages, so you can easily find the next ones: Stage 2and Stage 3, which issilicone brush to massage gums and clean first teeth Silicone Toothbrush Stage 3.

If you are looking for a more environmentally friendly toothbrush, there are fully biodegradable ones available.

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For babies such as six-month-old infants, we recommend a toothbrush with bristles made from the spergularia echinosperma plant, or wistle-blower. The comfortable handle was created from corn fiber.

Then check out the bamboo Humle brush, which you probably know from the adult version.


Humble brush

What kind of toothpaste to use for children?


First of all...


Use a toothpaste suitable for the child's age. The specific should also be pleasant to use and have a mild taste. Ideally, find a certified one (e.g., made from organic, organic herbal extracts, such as mint and chamomile). It's a good idea to choose pastes without artificial flavors, dyes and other unnecessary additives.It's also a good idea to look out for vegan pastes, to take care of animals at the same time.




Paste should contain germicidal agents. The most popular are xylitol and fluoride.Fluoride also mineralizes teeth. A small but safe and important amount of this element is used in children's toothpastes. Tiny children who can't spit out the paste need to be accustomed to having the paste residue removed. With a moistened cotton swab or gauze pad, wipe the toddler's gums and collect the paste residue.




A small amount of paste, as indicated on the package, and proper brushing. In tiny children, it's simply massaging in circular motions. Later, introduce more difficult but effective sweeping movements.


Toothpastes we recommend:

  • . prebiotic toothpastetaking care of good bacteria in the mouth by HAAN. The aesthetically pleasing packaging will last a long time, because you will refill it with a refillwith a capacity of 150 ml .
  • . natural toothpasteJack N' Jill toothpaste without artificial dyes in a dozen flavors for encouragement or in a flavorless version .
  • . organic toothpastefluoride-free with Azety Bio xylitol, vegan, has Bio Eco Cosmesi AIAB and Qualita Vegana certification

How to take care of pacifier hygiene?


Remember also to take care of pacifier hygiene. It should also not be sugary, meaning don't dip it in anything sweet before giving it to your baby. Caries is a contagious disease, so adults can infect the toddler. And the pacifier should be disinfected frequently. If you don't want to boil or scald it, you can use a special disinfecting device. Brand bblüv produces UV sterilizer for Üvi pacifiers. It's a small battery-operated gadget that will even fit in your purse. Chemical-free disinfection is important to avoid unnecessarily exposing your little one to other substances.

Decay in deciduous teeth happens very quickly, so you need to be thorough and careful. If a child is teething early, there is a greater risk of developing caries, so in such cases, proper hygiene is especially important. Of course, there are other causes of predisposition to caries and poor tooth mineralization. We, however, advocate minimizing risk factors and properly teaching a child hygiene from the very beginning.

Try for as long as possible not to give your child sweetened foods and liquids (we advise drinking your child mainly with water). Some doctors (e.g. William Sears) recommend avoiding sweetening altogether until the child is three years old. That way, so that you don't give a breeding ground for tooth decay-causing bacteria and mold-causing fungi. In addition, the child has a chance to explore other flavors first. Juices and large amounts of acidic liquids are also not advisable too often. The child should not be given a bottle of milk or anything sweet at night. After evening hygiene in larger children, it is good not to give anything to eat anymore. We are not talking about babies here, who should be breastfed on demand, that is, whenever they are hungry or feel like it.

Teething - what to do?


The eruption of deciduous teeth does not have to be painful and is a normal physiological condition. It should proceed without complications. However, when your little one turns from a calm one into a tired, crying baby who can't fall asleep, it may signal the onset of painful teething. The first millipedes appear around six months of age, so that's when the first signs may appear. As always, it is worth staying in constant contact with the baby, hugging, stroking and providing a sense of security. If earache, diarrhea or other ailments appear, it's time to schedule an appointment or medical consultation.

There are also home remedies for less problematic teething that you can use right away. If rocking and massaging don't help, you can use a special vegan teething relief gel with calendula and chamomile extract. Other gum pain relief gels with antiseptic and astringent properties are also available.

The baby may feel stressed about this teething process, so he may be restless, excitable, crying. He may put his fingers in his mouth more often than usual. Wash the gums with chamomile infusion and massage them. Remember that during the eruption of teeth, the bean may have an increased temperature, red or swollen gums. If these symptoms do not pass, it is worth consulting your pediatrician.

If you take good care of your bean's oral hygiene then you reduce the risk of gingivitis and swelling.

A teether can also bring relief. With this toy, too, you can more easily apply gel or a little chamomile infusion while massaging the gums. Safe silicone and easy to wash (even in the dishwasher), for example, are dental teethers MonkeyMatchstick Monkey. The Crafty Crocodile Dental Teether has special soft massaging tabs and an antibacterial coating. Cozy and comfort-carrying are the fancy ones with cotton cloth, like Tikiri: natural rubber teether with doudou Comforter. If you have a sense of humor and appreciate good design, you're also sure to like these rubber vegetable and fruit brands Oli and Carol, such as carrot. For the traditionalist, the Moluk brand would be better: pastel Nigi Naked Legs teethers. The most important thing is, of course, that they are made of safe materials and built for easy maintenance. You can gently cool the teether if it should have a better analgesic effect.

Humble Brush

When to go with a child for the first visit to the dentist?


The first visit to the dentist or dentist should take place when the child is about 18 months old. This will be known as an adaptation visit. The first visit to the dental office serves to familiarize the child with the room, the doctor and the instruments. This is very important from the perspective of further prevention of healthy teeth and oral cavity and formation of good habits in toddlers. The dentist or dentist will also check to make sure everything is in order, and that they sometimes develop tooth decay or gum problems. You may need to use fluoride supplementation.


Before going to the office, prepare your child by telling him who he will meet there that he will have to open his mouth and show his teeth. Don't say anything negative so as not to create anxiety. It's also a good idea to bring toys, coloring books or blocks to the waiting room, so the child won't get bored and tired before meeting the medics. We recommend large toys, without a lot of pieces. You can take an overlay with large blocks, a soft squeeze ball B. Toys: Jax Squeak 'n' Glow frog ball, a water coloring book for little ones by Djeco Hidden in the Roador a favorite cuddly toy. A lot of small and handy cuddly toys are offered by Maileg and Jellycatbrands. They are so tiny that they will fit in your pocket and give encouragement even unnoticed.


How about playing with a doctor, for example, even earlier, and thus familiarize kids with being examined? We recommend a set of toys with medicine in the background, for example B.Toys: small doctor Care Kit. The Plan Toys brand Dentist will tame visits and teach the anatomical details of the jaw, mandible and teeth. The toothbrush will be great for showing the proper way to brush teeth and training sweeping and rolling motions.

Paln Toys dentysta

How to take care of older children's teeth?


Teeth should be brushed twice a day. In the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. A child of several years can already do this on his own, but it is worth checking. Inspect them to make sure they don't swallow the toothpaste and rinse their mouths after brushing. Paste should not be rinsed out, and this rule should also apply to adults. It's worth watching to see if children brush well, and it's best to buy them an electric toothbrush to make it easier. Brushing should take about two minutes.


Five- and six-year-old children should already pay special attention to oral hygiene, because their first molars, or permanent teeth, are coming out.

There are plenty of different toothbrushes to choose from, with different bristle hardnesses made of different materials. However, if you don't make your child or yourself an electric toothbrush, it's worth getting a biodegradable toothbrush, such as one made of bamboo with natural bristles, or at least a bamboo one with nylon bristles, with the environment in mind. We recommend biodegradable toothbrushes, such as brand Humble Brush. These toothbrushes are made of bamboo wood, and the children's versions have colorful nylon bristles - yellow, pink and blue. Variants with bristles of different hardness are available.


After two months, the bristles of the toothbrush bend and should then be replaced. As a parent, remember to regularly review your toothbrush, toothpaste and calendar for check-ups. It's also a good idea to stock up on mouthwash for bigger kids, at least six or seven years old. Younger ones may not be able to spit it out. The liquid should not contain alcohol.


You can give him a cute mouse that is also Tooth Fairy and also has a little sister - Tooth Fairy Little Sister. It comes with a small metal box for the tooth fairy. Maybe this way you can arrange preventive visits to the dentist faster, because there will be something to show off. For fans of cute boxes alone, we also have slightly larger sets of Metal Heart Bambi and Metal Heart Pig brand Maileg. They will also accommodate other children's treasures.

Humble brush


Already children as young as eleven and twelve should be taught and accustomed to brushing with a sweeping motion, from the gums toward the crowns of the teeth. You can also teach and encourage younger teenagers to floss.

To sum up, during the adaptation visit and later at periodic check-ups with the pedodontist, or pediatric dental specialist, it is worth developing a good relationship. Good associations and relationships with dentists are almost as important as good hygiene. Then develop good habits and consistency and a little fun. From time to time, m you can polish your teeth in the office so that they shine nicely and bacteria settle harder. Consult with your dental hygienist or doctor whether to seal or varnish children's teeth.


Et voilà! Healthy and shiny teeth literally at your fingertips. In search of good products for brushing teeth - from birth to teenage years - drop by the section -> cosmetics for children.


While writing this text, we used advice on the Practical Medicine portal.


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