Which books to choose for a young child? - Kidealo

Which books to choose for a young child?


More and more research shows that it's never too early to read to a child. This you already know. We also know that you don't want to give your child something of poor quality or boring. After all, it happens more than once that a toddler's favorite story is read repeatedly until ... boredom ;) A good book for a child will also catch the attention of an adult. Na Polish book market is publishing more and more, but the quantity does not always go hand in hand with quality and you can feel confused. We suggest which book items for a child to choose.


To begin with, let's once again emphasize that it's a good idea to start reading to toddlers right after birth, or even earlier. The fact that a child should be read to from birth is argued in the book "Bringing by Reading" experts Irena Koźmińska and Elżbieta Olszewska argue. They are not alone in claiming that children who are read to 20 minutes a day, every day, gain some 850 hours of exposure to the best language in literature. Are you able to imagine that about half of linguistic studies. A toddler who is read to has a much richer vocabulary at the initial kindergarten, and therefore a much better start on the educational road.

What books to choose to ensure optimal development of the child,and yourself unforgettable moments?.

Well choose books that shape a toddler's imagination, language and good taste. We recommend items that will help him develop wonderfully and avoid boredom when reading the same tale over and over again. See which adventures to choose to enjoy 3 in 1 one - baby's development, great time together that builds your relationship and interesting reading for you. This is no less important! As a parent or caregiver, it's good to show by your own example that reading is fun. Otherwise, children will immediately sense the fallacy. See our suggestions for first books.

What is the first book for a baby?


At the very beginning after birth, we mainly develop the baby's eyesight and hearing. Thus, a newborn baby will find it useful to have books with figures in contrasting colors and stories, so that the toddler can primarily listen. The toddler is learning to pick up the sounds of his native language, so it's good to provide him with adequate stimulation. A hit will be well-designed and published items in contrasting colors.


We especially recommend:

  • . For the very beginning as an absolute first book: the series"Little Eyes" by Wytwórnia Publishing authored by prominent Japanese author Katsumi Komagata was created with newborns and babies in mind. The graphic form is a response to how tiny children perceive the world. And the sophisticated minimalism, innovative concept and diverse themes are an excellent way to build an emotional and creative relationship
    with the child. The Polish edition was prepared by Damian Chomątowski of the well-known and acclaimed Edgar Baek studio.
  • . AND, two, three - we look -is a superseries of cardboard books that grows with your child. Beautifully designed, illustrated and published Polish production will appeal to little readers and their parents. You will forget about yawning, as the vivid and aesthetically pleasing illustrations catch the eye. Not only the youngest ones. Both the text and illustrations are by Joanna Bartosik..
  • . Baby Stories: a baby's album - after all, this is also a book we write ourselves with our child. A unique and individual keepsake for many years to come, which will help you develop your own creativity, show your child various little treasures and teach him to read. Just turning the pages teaches the child that in our culture we read from left to right and gets them used to interacting with books..

Some other material books

  • . Touch, sight, hearing, stimulation of little fingers and mouths that can safely explore textures and materials - the fabric book Little Dutch Oceanis sure to pique the interest of any toddler.
  • .

Fables and readings for a one-year-old child


From the first moments of a baby's life, it is necessary to speak to the child as much as possible to help him develop communication skills, and it is even more intensive to do so from the twelfth month. Then you can already actively practice speech, its development and enrich the child's active vocabulary. The toddler learns to say the first words, and already knows and recognizes up to fifty words. It is already worthwhileto read booksin which the toddler can turn the pages himself, because he has just mastered this skill and is eager to do it.

After the age of one year, the toddler continues to learn basic words intensively, but slowly at a later stage the toddler practices putting words together into phrases of two. Let's continue to develop our daily rituals to deepen the bond with the baby and create a strong, good relationship. Since young children need structure and routine, it's good to further shape our daily reading ritual. It can be in a shared reading corner to help focus, in bed, always before bed, in the evening, or, for example, in the presence of a mascot-reader who always accompanies the bedtime ritual.

What books are recommended for a one-year-old child?

  • A kuku, Anna Trawki from nebule
  • .
  • . Pucio learns to talkis the first part of Marta Galewska-Kustra's beloved Puck with illustrations by Joanna Klos. Together with the titular Puck, we help children say their first words and build wonderful emotions that will be the perfect foundation for our long-term relationship. To raise the hygge level even further, you can get your child a food cuddly toyso that the baby can snuggle with his beloved hero to his heart's content and cuddle with him while listening. .
  • . very good for expanding the diet will come down to The Very Hungry Caterpillar XLby Eric Carle, translated by Monica Perzyna. This iconic publication will help in learning the names of food products. The illustrations are clearly visible on a white background,becausecontrast books are still good at this age. Grandchild will also be able to try turning the thick cardboard pages herself.
  • . A well-known bath enhancer, namely rubber special books. We recommend, for example, Lilliputiens: Alice Splash magic bath book.
  • . logopedic and gently sensory series "Jano and Wito". .
  • . The colorful and contrasting entry "And Who's That?by Tristan Mory has removable ears. It's an extra element that attracts the attention of a scrawny child. You can discover a lot, so good fun is guaranteed..
  • . Another surprising item is a fabric book by Jellycat, which is known for its imaginative cuddly toys. This time it's a soft book with text in English Sweetcorn. It will helppractice the English language. However, it's important for parents to focus on teaching their child Polish if they are not native speakers of English, or if they don't have a well thought-out plan for early introduction of a second language (it's best to consult a specialist). .
  • . Mudpuppy: magic bath book What color do I have?"is also a contrasting suggestion for the bath, or playing with water at the table, by the lake, or at the beach. By the way, the child will learn the names of colors in English..

Books for young children


developmental books for two-year-olds


In the second year of life, children already want more complex stories and tales that tell about everyday life. As children continue to learn all about the world around them simple stories will work. Atmospheric reading about the simplest everyday things will not only be exciting for them, but also extremely educational. We should also remember that children also learn by imitation, so if you want to raise a smart, sensitive and independent child, it is worthwhile to be such a model yourself from the beginning and, for example, read in front of the child (if possible).

Specially recommended

  • . The Year on Cherry Streetj Rotraut by Susanne Berner a much-loved observational book for two-year-olds and older children. Without text, because a unique story based on the illustrations is created by you - you and the child. Helps to gain knowledge about the surrounding world, seasons, and at the same time captivates with wonderful detailed details. Search exercises perceptiveness. Lack of text helps to practice speech through storytelling. We know from well-informed sources that it also works well as a basis for small role-playing, dissecting the action and playing with people on Cherry Street.
  • . A Year in the Woods by Emilia Dziubakis an author's book by Emilia Dziubak, whose illustrations delight readers around the world. Let your little one also experience this delight and learn a lot about the forest ecosystem in the process. By the way, you will also refresh your knowledge. To begin with, we can start with the shorter books in this series, namely A Year in the Forest: Badgerand A Year in the Woods: Squirrelwhich Emilia Dziubak created together with Katarzyna Piętka.
  • . New York. Pajamorama - a great first adventure in animation!The book uses the "ombro cinema" effect - an old technique based on optical illusion. The pictures are brought to life with the help of the included striped film. Just apply it to the striped picture and very slowly (or very quickly) move it from one edge of the page to the other.
  • . A suggestion by Tina Oziewicz and Agata Królak is a story about....sleeping butter! It's a good idea to start teaching your child abstract attitudes so that he can more easily understand complex concepts as early as possible. Sleeping Butterwill enliven the moment of reading and stimulate thinking, plus help calm down before bedtime. An item perfect for an evening to soothe the little one!.
  • . Michael and Psikus of Cherry Street this is an offer for children who liked Cherry Street. This time you can take a closer look at the adventures of the character known from this book. .
  • . Our Town Doro Gobel and Peter Knorr's book is designed to exercise perceptiveness and gain knowledge about the world. The beautifully detailed illustrations can provide a starting point for conversation
    and storytelling skills with your child.

Best books for a three-year-old


The three-year-old continues to show great interest in the environment and wants to learn as much as possible.

  • . The Cat Atlas by Ewa and Pawel Pawlakgives ample opportunity to gather knowledge, view and comment on the beautiful illustrations. This is the fourth small atlas by Ewa and Pawel Pawlakof the. They writeabout fluffy Norwegian cats, Japanese cats with a pom-pom instead of a tail, and our beloved rooftop cats. .
  • . A Year in Kindergarten Przemysław Liput. If your toddler is slowly heading to kindergarten, it's a good idea to prepare him for it in a decent way. Reading this item will familiarize your child with the concept of kindergarten, ensuring a painless transition into a new developmental stage, and save yourself a lot of nerves. Beautiful illustrations and the opportunity to talk about what you see develop the child's communication skills..
  • . Press Me Hervé Tullet's imaginative bestseller. Active, colorful and developing the senses. With us you can even find a bilingual version: French-Polish..
  • . A series of short activity stories about Turlututu, e.g. Turlututu and Apologies for Pardawill introduce you to the world of words with humor. This is also the work of Herve Tullet. These books also encourage impression readingwhich is able to hold the attention of a three- and four- or even five-year-old for a long time. Rhymes and humor facilitate language development, so this effect is bricked..
  • . The series about the well-liked Basiby Sophia Stanecka is an education about everyday life. In the series of short stories illustrated by Marianna Oklejak, children develop vocabulary, as in the Basia. Big Book words..
  • . Five more minutes Marty Altés published in Tako.

What books to suggest to a four-year-old?


A four-year-old child's attention span is already a little longer, so we can start reading slightly longer items at bedtime. Adaptations of classic fairy tales will work, either in a shorter version with a nice pop-up, or a slightly longer one with large illustrations. It's worth reaching for classics of the genre, or masters of the new children's story. Show your child books by Emma Adbåge, Ulf Nilsson, or Martin Widmark and Emilia Dziubak. This is slowly the last moment when the child reads only with us. Soon he will begin to assemble letters into words and reach for slightly more complicated books on his own.


We especially recommend children's books:

  • . children's favorite books by Justyna Bednarek, e.g. Poradnia K: The Amazing Adventures of Ten Socks .
  • . The almost classic Mamoko Townby Mizielinski. There are several versions as well as activity books, so there is plenty to choose from. Since there is no text in the books, they encourage you to read in your own way and in your own language. You can create endless versions for bedtime, or good morning.
  • . In Advent it is good to spread the evening reading into chapters and thus wait until Christmas Eve. We recommend, for example, Green Owl: How Winston Saved Christmasor Gift for the Onionby award-winning Swedish author Frida Nilsson. The book is published by Zakamarki in translation by experienced and respected children's book translator Agnieszka Stróżyk.
  • . a surprising and stimulating book with fold-out illustrations. You probably had it as a child, too. Show your kids a classic fairy tale in an old-school way: Entitled pop-up Sleeping Beauty, Cat in Boots
    Red Riding Hood.
  • . 4 years old is already the time to introduce more complicated topics, maybe even about how to save our world. We recommend Fable Publishing and their Save the Earth!or Nature Exercises for 4-year-oldsby Kajak Publishing.
  • . Place on a Broomstickby acclaimed children's authors Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.
  • The Little Greats series. Children as young as three years old love it. Inspiring stories of people who changed the world from a child's perspective
  • .
  • . A classic of Polish children's literature in a new edition. Develops language, imagination and pronunciation, that is Brzechwa. Poems for Children. This is not to be missed in any home!.
  • . Count to 100! Time for math education. Let's start counting.
  • Publishing Dot: What Do Machines Do?
  • .

See letters and recommendations for older children.

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