What is sensory integration and how to support it? - Kidealo

What is sensory integration and how to support it?

What is sensory integration and how to support it?


The term "sensory integration" has already come to the ears of the vast majority. What does this process consist of? The topic has become extremely popular for several years, due to the increasing frequency of diagnoses of sensory integration disorders observed in young children. Educators and developmental psychologists emphasize the role that parents can play in supporting the proper development of their child - from the first days of a toddler's life.

Sensory Integration - definition .

The world is perceived and perceived through several senses simultaneously - this is due to sensory integration. Thanks to it, a person is able to perceive and understand the various stimuli that surround him. Sensory information about smells, sounds, or touch is then transmitted to the brain and processed accordingly - so the body is able to produce a specific response. Sensory integration is a process that begins while still in fetal life and continues until about age 7. This is a sensitive period, during which it is necessary to provide the child with adequate sensory stimulation so that his senses interact efficiently.

integracja sensoryczna

What does proper sensory integration affect? .

Sensory integration affects proper human functioning. This allows him to perform daily activities effortlessly. He easily receives and interprets the stimuli reaching him. If integration is impaired, a toddler may be hypersensitive to a certain type of stimulation, or fail to respond in situations that require it. What are the consequences? Anger and frustration for the child and his parents, as well as difficulties in relationships with peers. Sensory integration disorder is particularly evident at school, where there are certain frameworks and rules of conduct.

Sensory integration - how to support its development? .

Supporting a toddler's sensory development, contrary to appearances, is not difficult. With the current level of expertise, it is known how the senses of the youngest should be stimulated so that they interact properly. How to stimulate them to work? First of all, it is worth providing the child with:

  • . tactile stimuli - tenderness with loved ones (stroking, hugging), as well as touching various textures and walking barefoot, .
  • . auditory stimuli - talking to the child, singing and listening to music together, as well as exploring sounds from the environment, .
  • . exercises for motor coordination - playground time, bicycle riding, simple gymnastic exercises.
  • .

Zabawki sensoryczne

Sensory toys - support for child development .

Sensory toys are an excellent way to stimulate a child's various senses. They make it easier for a toddler to learn about visual and auditory stimuli, while also being a source of joy. Many of them strengthen motor coordination, which in the case of infants can be helpful in learning to walk. Instead of classic models, it is worth choosing sensory toys that reinforce a child's normal functioning. It can be a specially designed rattle, a book or an activity mat - something that is sure to appeal to the infant's taste.

Sensory integration - wise disposal of leisure time .

Technological advances have brought many conveniences. In the case of children-who should be exploring the world in a different way-it often works against them. Instead of spending time in front of a TV or tablet, toddlers should experience more varied stimulation throughout the day. Playing barefoot in the sand in the summer or helping parents knead dough are simple ideas to add variety to daily activities.

integracja sensoryczna w terenie

Sensory integration - games for the youngest


Children's free time can be supplemented with appropriate games that promote sensory integration. Here are sample suggestions:

  • painting with paints using hands and feet, .
  • writing with finger on sand, .
  • picking with salt paste or cake mix, .
  • creating a unique sensory pathway. .

Simple activities can influence the formation of a child's sensory integration. Toys, household chores or special activities - there are really many opportunities to support toddler development!

do integracji sensorycznej

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