Teether - from which month to use? - Kidealo

. Needles - from which month to use?


Bites, are not only attractive toys. Above all, they are a reliable way to get through the tumultuous time of the appearance of the baby's first teeth. The period of teething gives both the toddler and the parents experiencing its difficulties. When is the best time to start using a teether? Toys and accessories can do their job when they are age-appropriate.

When to give a baby a teether?


Child development is a highly individual issue. Toddlers start forming new words or taking their first steps at different times. The same is true of teething. According to the thematic literature, the teething period begins between 4 and 6 months of age. Interestingly, the process continues until the 31st month of life. Giving the baby a teether can take place even before teething - this will help the toddler get used to the new gadget. He will learn how to properly grasp the toy and will certainly like it a lot - eventually, thanks to it, he will be able to feel relief.


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First symptoms of teething - it's time for a teether! .

Teething is a long-term stage that can last up to 2 years. What kind of time is that? Painful for the child and often frustrating for its parents and caregivers. Noticing the first signs of teething is a strong signal to turn on the teething game. There is no need to delay. During this period, parents are often amazed at how a previously cheerful and cheerful toddler suddenly becomes weepy and whiny. What are the most common symptoms of erupting baby teeth? Here are examples of them:

  • high fever that is hard to beat, .
  • swollen, red and painful gums, .
  • worse mood of the child, .
  • crying without any specific reason, .
  • abundant drooling and putting hands and various objects in the mouth.
  • .

If a child begins to put easily accessible objects in his mouth - be careful and deprive him of those that can cause harm. Many of them can irritate swollen gums more and cause more pain. This is why from the first symptoms of teething, you should equip your child with a rubber and completely safe teether.

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Baby teether - how to choose?


Toys for baby must, above all, be safe. Manufacturers offering professional products take care of every aspect so that accessories are age-appropriate. Products can play their role when they are adapted to the developmental stage of the toddler. Most teethers have silicone in their composition, so they can be put in the baby's mouth without any problems. To maximize relief, pay attention to the shape and number of protrusions. A toddler who doesn't have teeth yet should have a soft teether with gentle protrusions. The situation is different for children who already boast their first teeth. Their equipment may include larger and more complicated toys.


Different variants of teethers - one function .

Anyone who has not dealt with teethers before may be in for a bit of a shock to see how many variants manufacturers offer. This is definitely a huge advantage. In case one type doesn't appeal to your child, you can easily choose another option.The most popular teethers you can give your little one are:

  • pacifier teether, .
  • gel or water teether (can be cooled in the refrigerator),
  • .
  • glove-shaped teether, .
  • crib pendant with teether, .

When choosing a particular teether, it is important to pay attention to its size. It certainly needs to be the right size so that the child can easily handle it.

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Teething accompanied by a teether .

Most babies start teething around the age of 4 months. This is not a rigid rule, for the reason that each toddler develops at his own pace, which is good for him. The first teethers a baby can use even earlier - provided they are safe for him. This uncomplicated invention has been popular for years, and for good reason! The teether is a hero that saves every teething baby from distress.


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