Ideas for playing with children, or how not to go crazy while traveling? - Kidealo

Ideas for playing with children, or how not to go crazy while traveling?

The road to a vacation can be long and tedious for a toddler. And if you can't see anything interesting out the car window, such as animals, rivers, mountains or beautiful buildings, then boredom can start to set in. An interesting game or game during the trip will certainly make the road pass more pleasantly and quickly for children. See what toys and games will make the trip more pleasant not only for the toddler, but also for the parents.


Toys in the car - when the journey is endless


Children are definitely less patient than adults, and they also have a completely different sense of time. Therefore, when they hear that they will see the sea, the mountains or visit their beloved grandmother, they will certainly look forward to the end of the trip. Different fun ideas for a car trip will make sure they don't have to ask often: "is it far yet?". Time will pass faster for them, and you will have a great time playing with your little one, while teaching them new things.


Travel games for kids - fun and learning


In our store you will find a very large selection of games that will occupy the youngest travel time, so that toddlers will not be bored and will endure the road patiently. In this post we want to recommend you some of the most interesting suggestions for the road.

Road Trip Bingo - or what can I see out the window?


Beyond the window of the car or train there are a lot of interesting things, often new to the child. Buildings, landscapes, animals, cars. Games in the car that involve observing the world outside the window have excellent potential for entertaining and exploring the world for a traveling toddler. One of the most interesting games is Road Trip Bingo. What does it consist of? It's very simple! On the board there are pictures of things you can see through the car window. Whoever is the first to see by the road what is in the picture, covers it with a magnet pawn and scores himself a point!

The first to see what is in the picture, covers it with a magnet pawn and scores himself a point!

Pocket games for travel


For passengers on the train or in the car, there are no obstacles to indulge in the best of playing your favorite board games. And if we have their pocket versions, that is, for example magnetic travel games from The Purple Cow, we can take as many of them as we feel like into our backpack.. Then the trip will certainly not be boring. In our store you will find such classics as checkers, chess, ships, city-states, tic-tac-toe or mini puzzles. All in small, travel versions that will fit in any backpack. In addition to the well-known games, we also have some other interesting games that will make travel more pleasant for both children and adults.


Artistic fun on the go


Drawing is great! Sitting in the car seat has plenty of time to create beautiful drawings of nature, animals or buildings. A practical solution is reusable Jaq Jaq Bird dust-free chalk drawing books. All the way through, you can create more artwork - erase old or failed ones and draw new ones in their place. What's more - the toy doesn't make a mess, so the seats in the car will stay clean. Even more fun for little artists? Wishy Washy Flamasters by Jaq Jaq Bird, with which he can paint even on the car window and which wash off super easily.

There is another, almost magical way to paint masterpieces - water coloring books Water Wow! All you have to do is fill a special marker with water, and when it comes into contact with the coloring book, it will leave a beautiful color on the page. Water coloring books are fun all the way, because once the color dries, it disappears and you can continue coloring pictures to your heart's content.


Magnetic fun on the go - that is, puzzles that a toddler will definitely not lose


Magnet makes what a child builds with blocks more durable and playable. Thanks to the fact that the magnetic blocks' constructions hold together, they are great for traveling.

Are you bored of playing? Time for a movie!"


If you are driving really far and all the fun in the car has managed to bore you, we suggest watching your favorite cartoons! Just mount on the backrest of the passenger seat

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