How to store toys in a child's room? - Kidealo

How to store toys in a child's room? .

Do you feel like your child's toys have taken over your home? Standing barefoot on Legos that lurk at every turn, finding toy cars in the sink, mascots in the underwear drawer and mechanical melodies from interactive toys haunting you when you try for a few minutes to find the source of the annoying noise?

Unfortunately, children are an element and we won't give you a guarantee that they can be controlled. Fortunately, there are a few parent-tested ways that can help at least a little in taking control of children's toys.

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Transparent toy boxes


Imagine a situation in which a child, looking for a favorite toy, spills the contents from all the boxes and drawers. Sound likely? To reduce the risk of turning your child's room into a battlefield, stock up on boxes made of transparent plastic. With this solution, the contents of the boxes will be partially visible from the outside and it will be easier for your child to find the toy he is looking for. You can glue markings to the boxes, such as the symbol for teddy bears, toy cars or building blocks.

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Toys out of reach of hands


Another way is to place some of the containers out of the child's reach. You can put boxes with some of the toys on shelves attached high up. This gives you a chance to gain at least partial control over how many toy garbage cans your child will empty at once. In this case, it is better not to use transparent bins and hide toys that your child is not currently playing with in them.

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How to rotate toys


Does your child sit bored in a room cluttered with piles of toys, none of which interest him? Despite dozens of toys, he still demands novelty, and is most attracted to what is inaccessible, such as your smartphone? A proven way for many parents is to rotate toys periodically. Hide some of your child's toys in boxes out of sight and periodically replace them. This way they don't get bored with your child as quickly, and old toys that reappear after a few months gain the charm of novelty again.


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Baskets on wheels .

If your child likes to play outside of their room, wheeled totes can be helpful, making it easy for your toddler to bring all of their toys to their place at once on their own.

Material baskets .

Folding fabric baskets resembling those designed for laundry are a practical way to store children's toys. Their main advantage is their ergonomics. Unused, folded and stowed basket does not clutter the space.

Soft fabric garbage cans made of felt, for example, also have the advantage of being resistant to even the most intensive use, unlike, for example, wicker baskets, which can easily become damaged and lose their appeal.


Material organizers for storing baby's belongings


Organizers made of fabric, with extra pockets and compartments, are a great way to organize the space in your child's closet andstorageefor example, mascots and teddy bears.


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Control the number of toys


Try every now and then to encourage your child to give up toys he no longer plays with. Too much pressure can make a child resentful, but if you present giving away toys as an opportunity to, for example, make a smaller child your toddler knows happy, you will contribute to his sense of empowerment. A child consciously deciding to give away a particular toy that he or she has already outgrown will gain a feeling of decision-making and independence, as well as control over his or her space and influence over the look and organization of the child's room


Organize cleaning as fun


If you have some time try to develop a cleaning habit in your child by presenting it in the form of a game. For example, it can be a staged scene in which toys go to sleep in their box houses. You can also arrange with your child that while you clean your bedroom, for example, he cleans his room, and after half an hour you show each other the results. It works to your advantage that children like to imitate our behavior.


przechowywanie zabawek

Self-decorated boxes


Making storage boxes together can encourage your child to use them. For example, you can use shoe boxes, which you will paint or decorate with pieces of fabric together with your child. Such prepared containers can be used to store children's treasures.


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