What are sensory toys and which ones are worth choosing? - Kidealo

What are sensory toys and which ones are worth choosing?

What are sensory toys and which ones are worth choosing?


Children learn about the world through their senses. From the first days of life they closely observe their surroundings, imitate the most demanding movements or repeat the "mama" they hear. Even at an early stage of childhood, toys can provide a boost to the development of key skills for the little ones. Certainly, every parent cares about their little one's proper development. See why you should fill your toddler's room with a selection of sensory toys.


zabawka sensoryczna dla niemolaka

Sensory toys - what makes them different? .

It is well known that the first years of a child's life involve the maturation of the nervous system and sensory organs and the integration of their functioning. Along with sleep, entertainment is one of the activities to which a child spends most of the day. That's why a sensory toy is an excellent way to act on a child's various senses. From the very design stage, manufacturers of children's accessories have intentions - they want to enable the youngest to explore the world. Sensory toys allow you to combine pleasant with useful, for the reason that they are a source of joy and provide an opportunity to learn. Isn't this what the most effective education is all about?"


kostka sensoryczna

What sensory toys to choose? .

When choosing the right sensory toy, the first thing to consider is the age of the child. Because of the different motor coordination and skills, other toys will be dedicated to infants and others to preschool and older children. A toy that is safe for a 7-year-old child should not be used by children much younger. When choosing the right model, it is worth paying attention to what the manufacturer's recommendations are for the possible age of use.

Sensory toys for babies .

The infant period lasts from birth to the end of the first year of life. This is the stage when the child has his first millipedes, learns to repeat syllables and grasps everything that falls into his little hands. At this time, some children are already measuring themselves with attempts to crawl and traverse more inches. In the case of infants, sensory toys can support the acquisition of new skills, which is a huge challenge not only for children, but also in the adult world. What can develop an infant's hearing, sight, touch and motor coordination?

  • . Sensory rattles - diverse in size and sound produced. It is worth choosing not too intense with a pleasant sound, so as not to overload the child's nervous system. .
  • Sensory pendants - they come in various forms and sizes, making them ideal for hanging by the crib, stroller, as well as baby's pacifier. .
  • Sensory activity mat - an excellent way for the little ones to play and relax. Provides the child with a range of activities such as, for example, making precise movements and discovering different textures. .
  • Sensory book - created with a variety of materials and stand-offs that greatly encourage the child to explore the surrounding world. .

There are many more options - teddy bears, blankets, teethers and more. It is unbelievable that so many objects that a child comes into contact with can affect proper development and learning new things. Parent, choose wisely!


bąbelki sensoryczne

Sensory toys for a one-year-old child .

Children who have reached the age of one may have completely different activity preferences. Moreover, some children start walking at this age, while others are still at the crawling stage. Children develop at their own pace, so it is worth choosing sensory toys that will be a good stimulus for their development. What are suitable for a one-year-old baby? Here are some sample ideas:

  • musical sensory toys (multifunctional piano, bells or dulcimer),
  • .
  • educational sensory toys (motor loop, blocks, cubes),
  • .
  • sensory toys affecting motor coordination (balls),
  • .
  • toys supporting learning to walk (interactive walker, pusher). .

sensoryczna zabawka

No doubt, sensory toys are an excellent choice for a child. They entertain, teach and allow them to get to know and understand the surrounding world faster. Nothing pleases parents more than seeing their little ones bravely taking their next steps and being able to do more and more every day.

Piłka sensoryczna

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