Foam mat for a baby - which one to choose? - Kidealo

Foam mat for baby - which one to choose?


Choosing a foam mat for a baby is becoming increasingly popular. Just a few years ago, it was hard to believe that a baby could use it just a few days after birth! Certainly, it is a completely safe gadget that provides the toddler with ample room for development. Lying in a place other than the crib gives the opportunity to observe what's going on around - this is how the baby learns about the environment from the first days of life. The wide range of foam mats on the market does not make it easy to decide on a specific product. Which variant will work best?


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Baby foam mat - advantages .

Baby foam mat has a number of advantages - that's why it's so popular! What does it provide for the toddler?

  • Safety - the mat does not roll on the ground and is appropriately firm. This allows the baby to have full freedom of movement while lying down. In the later months of life, the product is an ideal ground for learning to crawl. When the toddler's foot or hand winks, it will softly land on the foam mat. .
  • . Body motor development - being on a firmer surface than a crib is more likely to stimulate muscle work and fuel motor development.
  • .
  • Thermal Insulation - the foam material provides good insulation from the floor cold - much better than the folded blanket used by some parents. Spending time on the mat is much more pleasant than body contact with cold tiles or panels. .
  • Cleanliness - if it gets dirty or dusty, the mat can be cleaned quickly and easily. Just use a damp cloth or rinse it in the bathtub. .
  • Universality - The foam mat can be used for many years, even by a preschooler. It can furnish a child's corner and give it a cozy character.

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Choosing a mat for babies - safety .

The vast majority of baby accessory manufacturers are concerned with the safety of little ones. Toddlers touch and taste everything within their reach. Foam mats should be created from appropriate materials and be free of those with potentially harmful effects on health (formamide, BPA, PVC, phthalates). To avoid defective products, choose well-known manufacturers that offer equipment that is completely safe for a child of any age. Signs of high quality include certificates and approvals of a particular company.


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Foam mat for baby - important parameters .

How do you know if a mat will be suitable for an infant? Touching it is often enough to know whether it will perform its function well.What parameters are important?"

  • Hardness - the mat must be neither too soft nor too hard. .
  • Thickness - provides adequate insulation from the cold and ensures that the baby lying down is truly comfortable. .
  • Rough surface - makes the product easy to clean.
  • Design - mat in the right color scheme matches the current decor of the apartment. For toddlers, a good choice is a contrast mat, which stimulates the development of the visual organ. Older children can decide for themselves the favorite colors of the product. .
  • Size -Tailored to the size of the room. The advantage of larger mats is that they can serve your child for years to come, even if the toddler grows like a yeast! .
  • Shape - in this regard, you can decide between a traditional foam carpet and a puzzle mat. If the mat is made up of pieces, then you should pay attention to the strong connections between them.

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Learning foam mat .

Thanks to its unique design, some foam mats serve an educational function. If the mat is decorated with numbers or letters, a preschool-aged child can learn the alphabet or simple mathematical operations. The most effective learning is that which is combined with fun.

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Baby on foam mat .

The foam mat is an excellent gadget for babies. It is an interesting alternative to spending time in a classic baby bed. It can be both a place for rest, play and integration with relatives. Just as a standard stroller is essential for strolling, a foam mat is essential for relaxing lounging.

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